Plunger Coffee

A Ewingsdale Plunger Coffee Lover Writes:

My wife and I have been using Ewingsdale Byron Blend (gold packet) to make plunger coffee for around 5 years now. It has become our daily morning ritual to use around a table spoon of the coffee per person plus one for the pot to brew a pot of coffee upon waking. It is great that it is a  Byron Bay coffee, because we live locally and I often call Robert when supplies are running low and organise to pick up a fresh roast at the Estate door. We know how much care goes into the preparation of the beans, but the real reason we use it is because we just love the smooth creamy taste.

We have found that by pressing the air out of the bag before zip sealing the coffee and storing in a cool dark place, it helps maintain the freshness of the coffee to the last cup.
Adam Snowden 21/8/12

Tips for making great plunger coffer.  Read More

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