Australian Plunger Coffee At The Markets.

Hello Rob –

You probably won’t remember us, but we met you at Byron Bay market about two months ago during our extended visit to Australia.

You were kind enough to take the time to tell us about your coffee growing and production, and about your British origins.

It was a delight to meet a real coffee grower who obviously takes a pride in his work and in his product.

We have just opened our pack of Ewingsdale Plunger Grind Byron Bay Blend, and are enjoying every cup!

A really good coffee, with – as you said – no bitter after taste.

Thanks again for taking the time to talk to us, and all possible success for Ewingsdale Coffee Estate.

Wish we lived a little nearer!!

Keith and Paula Evans

Byron Blend

Hi Robert,

My wife and I have been using Ewingsdale Byron Bay Blend coffee for around 5 years now. We used to buy the pre ground for use in a plunger and would often go to the local community markets at Byron Bay and Bangalow when our supply of Ewingsdale coffee was getting low. At times I would call and arrange to pick up a freshly ground packet at the Estate door.

Since buying a grinder, we now just use whole beans and it has become our daily morning ritual to grind the beans and brew a  fresh pot of coffee – plunger style, when we awake.

It is great that it is a locally grown coffee and we know how much care goes into the preparation of our Byron Bay blend of beans, but the real reason we use it is because we just love the smooth taste.

Adam Snowden

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